Wednesday, 15 September 2010

I'm back!

I have been absolutely awful this summer with my blog and haven't written anything since May! So just in time for the new term I have decided to pick up my pen (well open my laptop) and make a renewed effort to post on here at least three times a week.
I haven't even had a busy summer - I went to Spain waaaay back in June for a Sun and Sangria holiday with my best friends, and also managed to survive Reading festival (for those followers who know me, mud rain and slumming it are not things you would associate with me) and actually had a brilliant time! Ok, so my £16 bargain pop up tent wasnt waterproof, and also wasn't big enough to fit it me AND my 6''5 strapping lad of a boyfriend, and yeah my blackberry broke within the first few hours, and I did come back with a respiratory virus which I am STILL recovering from, but honestly it was one of the best weekends of my life. I haven't got round to printing of my disposible cameras yet, so you'll have to settle for me telling you some of my highlights on here!
1 - Blink 182 closing the weekend. Without a doubt the best of the few bands I saw, they sung beautifully and Travis Barker played the drums upside down on a rotating platform, which was incredibly cool. Watching them with 100,000 other people singing along, the only thing that would have made it better would have been seeing it with my boyfriend, who got lost in the crowd :(
2 - Festival headbands and Festival songs. Despite getting teased for bringing a huge 'beauty bag' containing make up, nail varnish, hygiene stuff and accessories, by the second day i was giving out headbands and mositurising the boys, proving festivals don't neccesarily mean getting filthy! I also had the best time drinking from ridiculous o clock in the morning in the girl circle and changing lyrics to well known songs about people we know/what we were doing.
3 - rating and hating other girls festival attire. The standard uniform for girls was a cute dress or denim shorts with wellies and long socks, plus several layers of cardis and coats, and had me extremely jealous of girls that have the pins for daisy dukes! However the worst outfit? A brave/stupid girl in denim shorts and a slutty white cutout the rain.

While I'm not sure if I could physically and mentally handle another year at Reading, I am proud of myself for sticking it out and only sneaking home once for a shower (in my defence I only live half hour away!)

Anyway, I'll put the pics up soon and be back tommorrow for another post. Also, hello to my new followers, sorry I haven't given you anything to read for so long!


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