I have been absolutely awful this summer with my blog and haven't written anything since May! So just in time for the new term I have decided to pick up my pen (well open my laptop) and make a renewed effort to post on here at least three times a week.
I haven't even had a busy summer - I went to Spain waaaay back in June for a Sun and Sangria holiday with my best friends, and also managed to survive Reading festival (for those followers who know me, mud rain and slumming it are not things you would associate with me) and actually had a brilliant time! Ok, so my £16 bargain pop up tent wasnt waterproof, and also wasn't big enough to fit it me AND my 6''5 strapping lad of a boyfriend, and yeah my blackberry broke within the first few hours, and I did come back with a respiratory virus which I am STILL recovering from, but honestly it was one of the best weekends of my life. I haven't got round to printing of my disposible cameras yet, so you'll have to settle for me telling you some of my highlights on here!
1 - Blink 182 closing the weekend. Without a doubt the best of the few bands I saw, they sung beautifully and Travis Barker played the drums upside down on a rotating platform, which was incredibly cool. Watching them with 100,000 other people singing along, the only thing that would have made it better would have been seeing it with my boyfriend, who got lost in the crowd :(
2 - Festival headbands and Festival songs. Despite getting teased for bringing a huge 'beauty bag' containing make up, nail varnish, hygiene stuff and accessories, by the second day i was giving out headbands and mositurising the boys, proving festivals don't neccesarily mean getting filthy! I also had the best time drinking from ridiculous o clock in the morning in the girl circle and changing lyrics to well known songs about people we know/what we were doing.
3 - rating and hating other girls festival attire. The standard uniform for girls was a cute dress or denim shorts with wellies and long socks, plus several layers of cardis and coats, and had me extremely jealous of girls that have the pins for daisy dukes! However the worst outfit? A brave/stupid girl in denim shorts and a slutty white cutout bodysuit...in the rain.
While I'm not sure if I could physically and mentally handle another year at Reading, I am proud of myself for sticking it out and only sneaking home once for a shower (in my defence I only live half hour away!)
Anyway, I'll put the pics up soon and be back tommorrow for another post. Also, hello to my new followers, sorry I haven't given you anything to read for so long!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Thursday, 27 May 2010
This photoshoot was by Annie Leibovitz in the March edition of Vogue. Partly inspired by the release Tim Burtons movie, which was of course based on Lewis Carrolls masterpiece. I absolutely love everything about this shoot, from the dresses to the use of colours and props (nice flamingos) to the range of couture designers that Leibovitz managed to persuade to pose together, something I have never seen before.
Even though its a couple months old, I'd thought I'd share it with you incase you haven't seen it, as its absolutely gorgeous!
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Final Eclipse Movie Trailer - Official #2 (HD)
This is the advert for the new Eclipse film in the Twilight saga. Ever since twilight came out in cinemas I have been obsessed (enthralled, captivated...you get the idea) with the books, movies, and vampires in general. while Twilight has faced some hard and heavy competition from the Vampire Diaries, i can safely say that Stephanie Meyer's creation is my first love. This is the new trailer, to get you all as excited as me...
Monday, 24 May 2010
But he's Chuck Bass!
Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that the Gossip Girl season 3 finale was on Monday. This season was not my favourite, as it focused to much on Little J and Serena (yawwwwwwwn) while I could quite happily just watch The Blair and Chuck show. Whilst my love for a certain Ms Waldorf is well known, I also felt like this season her outfit choices weren't as good as the garments she rocked in season 1 & 2 and also noticed a distinct lack of headband. However, I dutifully tuned into the finale and was ecstatic to see them back to their best, and literally was on the edge of my seat (well, bed) wondering what was going to happen next. The twists with Chuck deflowering little J, and his near proposal, and his getting shot had me shouting at my poor laptop and crying! Just imagining the perfection of a Blair-Chuck wedding has me in a tizzy, and I couldn't believe that the producers would be so cruel as to do this to us fans, as they are the most perfect tv couple ever! &hearts:
I am 99% sure Chuck is going to live, and my bet is on him being in a coma, and Blair rushing to his side.. at least I hope!
As for the rest of episode...
Serena needs some new facial expressions and a new voice instead of that nasal whingy sound that annoys me beyond belief. And seriously, get over Dan Humphrey, what is this; round 2951 of your relationship??!!
Vanessa: stay in Haiti.
Rufus - shave of that god awful tache.
Little J, please fuck off for good!
Apart from these minor drawbacks, the finale was amazing and has got everyone in a tizzy, and I cannot wait for the new series!
I am 99% sure Chuck is going to live, and my bet is on him being in a coma, and Blair rushing to his side.. at least I hope!
As for the rest of episode...
Serena needs some new facial expressions and a new voice instead of that nasal whingy sound that annoys me beyond belief. And seriously, get over Dan Humphrey, what is this; round 2951 of your relationship??!!
Vanessa: stay in Haiti.
Rufus - shave of that god awful tache.
Little J, please fuck off for good!
Apart from these minor drawbacks, the finale was amazing and has got everyone in a tizzy, and I cannot wait for the new series!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Some of the crap I've spent £130 on in less than a week...
Despite being a poor student of little/no means, I have managed to spend an alarming amount of money in a few days. Thought I would share my new purchases so someone else can appreciate them...

2 h&m bikinis for my hols -

This vintage style dress is a bargainous £7.50 from Primark, and has cute purple and green flowers. I wore it out the other night, accesorised with a white flower(what else), but I think Its more of a casual dress and wore it to uni today.

the whole series of Vampire Diaries (not as good as the tv series but still got me hooked)

2 very silly bags i probably will never use - doll bag £4 Primark, rose bag £1.99 h&m kids

some AMAZING costume jewellery in the topshop sale - originally nearly £30 for both, i got for a cheeky fiver :)
Lingerie by Day
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Sock Shock

It was the socks that had me salivating! How could two little slips of material change the outfit from gorgeous too 2010 Hall of fame? Especially as I haven't been on board with the socks and shoes trend, thinking it is a bit too Rachel from Glee.
However, this one picture of Rihanna has inspired me to give socks a chance, and that they can be sexy rather than primary school.

As for what will be adorning my feet? I couldn't find any sparkly socks, but instead found a rather fetching nude pair which will hopefully serve to lengthen my legs rather than make 'em look short and stumpy...wish me luck!
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
The power of the Flower
Over the last few months, I really could not count how many times I have studied my outfit in the mirror, and feeling like something is missing. Then it hits me; a flower is what my outfit needs! Whether its for a trip to asda or a big night out, my flower obsession is spiralling out of control; in fact, I have no fewer than 12 different flowers of varying colours and sizes purely for hair accessories.
My flowery obsession does not stop at my head; I have bought five floral dresses in the last 2 weeks, which I will probably accesorize with - you guessed it - more flowers.
What has brought on this floral madness? Wherever I go, I see girls with their faces obstructed by what looks like half the local garden centre, and their outfits look like they've been rolling in my Granny's flower beds.
Not that I'm complaining - I rejoice in my new found love of the flower; feeling like spring and summer has finally arrived, and I delight in feeling like my drab long brown hair can be spruced up with a simple flower clip.
And who do I feel has nailed this topiary trend? The Queen of headbands, Blair Waldorf of course.
My flowery obsession does not stop at my head; I have bought five floral dresses in the last 2 weeks, which I will probably accesorize with - you guessed it - more flowers.
What has brought on this floral madness? Wherever I go, I see girls with their faces obstructed by what looks like half the local garden centre, and their outfits look like they've been rolling in my Granny's flower beds.
Not that I'm complaining - I rejoice in my new found love of the flower; feeling like spring and summer has finally arrived, and I delight in feeling like my drab long brown hair can be spruced up with a simple flower clip.
And who do I feel has nailed this topiary trend? The Queen of headbands, Blair Waldorf of course.
In fact, I was so taken with her outfit I paid homage to it last night;
Wearing a cream h&m shift dress with appliqúe flowers around the neckline (sadly obstructed by my new hair) and my new flower headband from h&m.
Now where's my Chuck Bass?
Monday, 12 April 2010
19 candles

On Friday I decided to throw a party at my boyfriends new house,which was an amazing night; my friends decorated the house with banners, streamers, balloons etc - I even had a Pinata! And I woke up with a murderous headache, a sure sign of a good night. I wore my new asos dress that is pale blue with a ruffle on the neckline, that I somehow managed to spill bleach all down, and ruin!!! with a cream belt and studded nude heels.
My birthday wrapped up yesterday with lots of gorgeous presents and new clothes to show off in Southampton :) and a boozy meal out with the family.
All in all, I had the best 5- day birthday anyone could wish for, but I am aware that this birthday brings me even closer to being a grown up and - eurgh! mature, & I admit I did have a little pity party yesterday in bed with a bottle of bucks fizz for my "lost youth" but it also means I'm a year closer to graduating, and finding my dream job (heat mag, call me) and that takes the edge of being almost 'in my twenties' for sure :)
Friday, 26 March 2010
The End of The Hills

Yesterday it was announced that The Hills would not be returning after the seventh season of the show.
This news absolutely DEVASTATED me!!!!!!!!!! As a fan since the Laguna Beach days, when Lauren was LC, had awful hair and Stephen Colletti was the man candy (Stephen who? exactly) I have religiously tuned into to this 'reality' show and followed the drama, romance and bitchiness of Lauren, Audrina & Heidi. I am not ashamed to admit that I cried along with Lauren as she confronted Audrina about their rift. I am not even ashamed to admit that I emailed MTV in the hopes that they would make me the Southampton LC (I know, i'm delusional, but I was encouraged!)
I admit the Hills did lose some of its sparkle when Kristen the BITCH replaced Lauren, but still I devoured this vapid nonsense, and looked forward to the Kristen-Justin Bobby-Audrina love triangle that was played out each week.
Yes The Hills did have its downfalls (Speidi; need I say more) but even I got a peverse enjoyment watching their ridiculous relationship develop into marriage, even if the first wedding didnt count!
The hills gave us the sex god that is Justin Bobby, the golden girl Lauren, the comedy gold that is Speidi's marriage counselling, and the envy of these gorgeous peoples lifestyles. and for this I will be forever grateful.
And MTV, if your reading this, I'm still available :)
tangerine dream? not so much!

This is me clearly very very sober at Oceana on Wednesday night.
I wore the wild horses belt and orange dress (with lovely drink stains spilt down it though I repeat, I was not drunk...) and possibly the biggest flower I could find without completely obscuring my head. I am also wearing my lovely little stud's from that I got from Forever21 in Florida with have little Queen Victoria's on them, but unfortunately I lost one! So R.I.P earring.. You will be missed.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Tangerine Dream
Tonight I'm venturing to Oceana, one of my least fave places in Southampton for a cheeky drink or 8. I've decided to match my dress to my skin tone, & am wearing a orange shift dress from Primark that was long forgotten in my wardrobe! The dress has a chunky black and silver zip (but im wearing gold accessories - fashion faux paus!) that runs down almost the whole back, and my new black belt from (again) Primark that has chunky gold horses galloping across it, and causes me warble Susan Boyles horsey hit whenever I wear it. I am also going to wear a large black flower in my hair, & black velvet peep toes and hope I am not mistaken for an Oompa Loompa, even though tonight is Smurf themed.
Wish me Luck!
Wish me Luck!
Pixie Not

Some celebrities rile the fuck out of me for absolutely no reason. Alexandra Burke, & Leona Lewis spring to mind, but neither one compares of my wrath for a certain essex songstress.
Pixie Lott has great songs, she hasn't had any celeb feuds unlike her mouthy contemporary Lilly Allen, and she wears designers I can only dream of affording. But for some unknown, strange reason, i CANNOT STAND HER!
Hypocritical, I know, since i sing along with Gravity and even enjoy it, but something about the girl makes me want to screaaaaaaaaaaaaam. After thinking long and hard, I have come up with a number of reasons;
1. She alwaaaaaaaaays wears black. With all those freebie designer goodies, you'd expect her to shake it up a bit, but nope, not Pixie.
2. She seems completely manufactured, unlike Dasiy Dares You or Ellie Goulding - yeah gravity is awesome, but it sounds like Jordin Sparks, not a talented 'individual' Brit popstrel.
3. She is clearly mummy-whipped, and you can tell this by the name of her first single, and the fact that HER MOTHER turned down Russell Brand for dear Pixie, even though she is neither 11 nor mute.
4. Legions of men think she is God's gift, when I have seen pics of her without make-up - not a pretty sight.
5. This offends me most - shes so bloody boring! You never see her falling out of clubs blind drunk, or even has a slight bit of celeb beef - I'm not asking for Li-Lo but c'mon, give us something to talk about! Your from Essex for god's sake!
Thursday, 18 March 2010
i haven't forgotten about you...
i know its been a while but better late than never.
had a horrendous hangover today - actually thought I might have incurred a skull injury last night in my drunken stupor!
Me & anna decided to go to a gay club & sing kareoke - did a truly hideous cover of Leann Rhimes -Can't fight the moonlight, and had an amazing time with our new gay friends and Lucinda Lashes, who compared us to girls aloud! I rocked the spanish senorita look, with a pink ruffled one shoulder dress and matching flower headband, and some golden oldies topshop shoes i have worn to death!
I had to laugh at us this morning though - anna threw up out the window of the taxi as we drove home, and i woke up half naked with cheese all over my floor, and a plate next to me with half eaten toast with heinz spag bol and doritos on top (wtf??!!!) which was not a happy hangover sight.
staying up late & watching first series of desperate housewives online (Bree Van Der Camp, i heart you) and wondering if my new chiffon blouse will go with me new straw hat?
hmmm i'll let you know tommorrow,
night ♥
had a horrendous hangover today - actually thought I might have incurred a skull injury last night in my drunken stupor!
Me & anna decided to go to a gay club & sing kareoke - did a truly hideous cover of Leann Rhimes -Can't fight the moonlight, and had an amazing time with our new gay friends and Lucinda Lashes, who compared us to girls aloud! I rocked the spanish senorita look, with a pink ruffled one shoulder dress and matching flower headband, and some golden oldies topshop shoes i have worn to death!
I had to laugh at us this morning though - anna threw up out the window of the taxi as we drove home, and i woke up half naked with cheese all over my floor, and a plate next to me with half eaten toast with heinz spag bol and doritos on top (wtf??!!!) which was not a happy hangover sight.
staying up late & watching first series of desperate housewives online (Bree Van Der Camp, i heart you) and wondering if my new chiffon blouse will go with me new straw hat?
hmmm i'll let you know tommorrow,
night ♥
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Heat - Day 4
Today was AMAZING.
spoke to helen, the woman whose supervising me, and turns out she went to my uni, and lived in my halls! got another two week placement in october and some really good advice on how to work there in the future.
Also spent hours today opening Akex Reid fan club letters, i fucking hate that cunt!
Came home and decided to just relax in bed all night watching 90210, purrrrrrfect, although am job hunting which is a bit of a downer! someone employ me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee :)
Tommorrow is my last day which i'm upset about, but means i get a lie in for the first time all week on saturday - i miss my 12 hours of sleep! & i also have a 15 yr old assistant to come in and help me with my job, which lightens the load bigtime.
anyway, nunight xoxoxox
spoke to helen, the woman whose supervising me, and turns out she went to my uni, and lived in my halls! got another two week placement in october and some really good advice on how to work there in the future.
Also spent hours today opening Akex Reid fan club letters, i fucking hate that cunt!
Came home and decided to just relax in bed all night watching 90210, purrrrrrfect, although am job hunting which is a bit of a downer! someone employ me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee :)
Tommorrow is my last day which i'm upset about, but means i get a lie in for the first time all week on saturday - i miss my 12 hours of sleep! & i also have a 15 yr old assistant to come in and help me with my job, which lightens the load bigtime.
anyway, nunight xoxoxox
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Day 2/3 of Heat
Wed10feb 23.01
Yesterday was absolutely exhausting, think they were testing me out - spent 2 hours going to 3 M&S's for this particular choc bar for a photoshoot!!! was absolutely knackered last night, had to drag myself round to Rosies for dindins. The Boy surprised me aswell with a HUGE bunch of flowers and big box of ferrero rochers to make up for our big row ♥
Today felt better after actually falling asleep before midnight - first time since starting Uni i think!
Today was muchmuchmuch better, lots of sitting at my desk working, although Lucie Cave asked me to do her a fave, and after she thanked me, called me a sweetheart & held my hand, so i was loving life!
Treated myself to a gorgeous chunky retro gold casio digital watch from Urban Outfitters, complete barg - reduced from £42 to £19.99, my little treat for working so hard/a souvenir of Landaaaaaaaaantown. Got home today and was treated to a Nandos from the boyf, then watched the penultimate episode of Heroes season 3 - completely addicted to it.
Currently planning outfit for tomorrow while watching 90210- I'm thinking OTK boots, leggings, and my purple and white skull crop, with my chanel style box jacket and of course my watch!
Yesterday was absolutely exhausting, think they were testing me out - spent 2 hours going to 3 M&S's for this particular choc bar for a photoshoot!!! was absolutely knackered last night, had to drag myself round to Rosies for dindins. The Boy surprised me aswell with a HUGE bunch of flowers and big box of ferrero rochers to make up for our big row ♥
Today felt better after actually falling asleep before midnight - first time since starting Uni i think!
Today was muchmuchmuch better, lots of sitting at my desk working, although Lucie Cave asked me to do her a fave, and after she thanked me, called me a sweetheart & held my hand, so i was loving life!
Treated myself to a gorgeous chunky retro gold casio digital watch from Urban Outfitters, complete barg - reduced from £42 to £19.99, my little treat for working so hard/a souvenir of Landaaaaaaaaantown. Got home today and was treated to a Nandos from the boyf, then watched the penultimate episode of Heroes season 3 - completely addicted to it.
Currently planning outfit for tomorrow while watching 90210- I'm thinking OTK boots, leggings, and my purple and white skull crop, with my chanel style box jacket and of course my watch!
Monday, 8 February 2010
Heat: Day one
Today was my first day at heat, and i literally wanna work there forever! Everyone was really sweet and it was such a nice fun office. I also got to go in the Closer office, which didn't have as good an atmosphere but was still really cool.
They had me look at last weeks issue and analyse it, saying what I didn't and did like about the magazine. Then i got a peek at the new issue of heat, closer, more and grazia (all coming out tommorrow!) & compared and analysed them. I had to also look on heatworld.com and analyse readers reactions to their stories, and brainstorm new feature ideas to show Lucie Cave (who I loveeeeee!) There was some more boring bits, like putting stickers on envelopes and sticking mags in them, but all in all was much more hands-on than I expected and I didn't make one cuppa for anyone...someone made me one!
I am soo jealous of the fashion and beauty editors; I gave out the post and in one day they recieved soo many freebies, on top of the mountain of bags and clothes and jewels that were mounded on their desks, most of not even opened!!!!!!!
anyway, gonna catch some 90210 (addicted) and get my 40winks ready for day two!!!
They had me look at last weeks issue and analyse it, saying what I didn't and did like about the magazine. Then i got a peek at the new issue of heat, closer, more and grazia (all coming out tommorrow!) & compared and analysed them. I had to also look on heatworld.com and analyse readers reactions to their stories, and brainstorm new feature ideas to show Lucie Cave (who I loveeeeee!) There was some more boring bits, like putting stickers on envelopes and sticking mags in them, but all in all was much more hands-on than I expected and I didn't make one cuppa for anyone...someone made me one!
I am soo jealous of the fashion and beauty editors; I gave out the post and in one day they recieved soo many freebies, on top of the mountain of bags and clothes and jewels that were mounded on their desks, most of not even opened!!!!!!!
anyway, gonna catch some 90210 (addicted) and get my 40winks ready for day two!!!
Sunday, 7 February 2010
the night before Heat..
tomorrow I start my work experience at heat mag - uber excited, got my outfit planned already;
leggings, gold studded navy vest, cream cardi & my cream, gold & navy scarf with boat shoes, as am too scared to wear heels in case I look like a knob! I will prob just do rubbish jobs but it will be soo good on my CV, & heat is my bible.
Although im sososo excited I am hating being home as I get no privacy, unlike uni! and my parents seem to think sleeping til gone noon is unacceptable...
P.s - someone buy me an adorable mini pig pleaseeeeeeeeeee????????????
tomorrow I start my work experience at heat mag - uber excited, got my outfit planned already;
leggings, gold studded navy vest, cream cardi & my cream, gold & navy scarf with boat shoes, as am too scared to wear heels in case I look like a knob! I will prob just do rubbish jobs but it will be soo good on my CV, & heat is my bible.
Although im sososo excited I am hating being home as I get no privacy, unlike uni! and my parents seem to think sleeping til gone noon is unacceptable...
P.s - someone buy me an adorable mini pig pleaseeeeeeeeeee????????????
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
back again!
Welllll i completely forgot i had this little thing but have decided to restart it.. am now at university studying fashion writing and culture, which i love love LOVE!
as with all students my sleeping pattern is fucked, so im staying up to ridiculous o clock watching Dirt on project free tv - (which i don't actually know if i like?!) but had a loveely night with ananski watching glee, secret diary of a call girl, and true beauty (complete fodder) paired with a curry takeout - licious!
currently loving - my pearl and sequin headband, my victorian lace up boots, daisy dares you ft chipmunk (what a perfectly insane match!) & my navy cream & gold dotty scarf...gorgeous
as with all students my sleeping pattern is fucked, so im staying up to ridiculous o clock watching Dirt on project free tv - (which i don't actually know if i like?!) but had a loveely night with ananski watching glee, secret diary of a call girl, and true beauty (complete fodder) paired with a curry takeout - licious!
currently loving - my pearl and sequin headband, my victorian lace up boots, daisy dares you ft chipmunk (what a perfectly insane match!) & my navy cream & gold dotty scarf...gorgeous
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