Over the last few months, I really could not count how many times I have studied my outfit in the mirror, and feeling like something is missing. Then it hits me; a flower is what my outfit needs! Whether its for a trip to asda or a big night out, my flower obsession is spiralling out of control; in fact, I have no fewer than 12 different flowers of varying colours and sizes purely for hair accessories. My flowery obsession does not stop at my head; I have bought five floral dresses in the last 2 weeks, which I will probably accesorize with - you guessed it - more flowers.What has brought on this floral madness? Wherever I go, I see girls with their faces obstructed by what looks like half the local garden centre, and their outfits look like they've been rolling in my Granny's flower beds.Not that I'm complaining - I rejoice in my new found love of the flower; feeling like spring and summer has finally arrived, and I delight in feeling like my drab long brown hair can be spruced up with a simple flower clip.
And who do I feel has nailed this topiary trend? The Queen of headbands, Blair Waldorf of course.
In fact, I was so taken with her outfit I paid homage to it last night;
Wearing a cream h&m shift dress with appliqúe flowers around the neckline (sadly obstructed by my new hair) and my new flower headband from h&m.
Now where's my Chuck Bass?