Friday, 26 March 2010

The End of The Hills

Yesterday it was announced that The Hills would not be returning after the seventh season of the show.
This news absolutely DEVASTATED me!!!!!!!!!! As a fan since the Laguna Beach days, when Lauren was LC, had awful hair and Stephen Colletti was the man candy (Stephen who? exactly) I have religiously tuned into to this 'reality' show and followed the drama, romance and bitchiness of Lauren, Audrina & Heidi. I am not ashamed to admit that I cried along with Lauren as she confronted Audrina about their rift. I am not even ashamed to admit that I emailed MTV in the hopes that they would make me the Southampton LC (I know, i'm delusional, but I was encouraged!)
I admit the Hills did lose some of its sparkle when Kristen the BITCH replaced Lauren, but still I devoured this vapid nonsense, and looked forward to the Kristen-Justin Bobby-Audrina love triangle that was played out each week.
Yes The Hills did have its downfalls (Speidi; need I say more) but even I got a peverse enjoyment watching their ridiculous relationship develop into marriage, even if the first wedding didnt count!
The hills gave us the sex god that is Justin Bobby, the golden girl Lauren, the comedy gold that is Speidi's marriage counselling, and the envy of these gorgeous peoples lifestyles. and for this I will be forever grateful.
And MTV, if your reading this, I'm still available :)

tangerine dream? not so much!

This is me clearly very very sober at Oceana on Wednesday night.
I wore the wild horses belt and orange dress (with lovely drink stains spilt down it though I repeat, I was not drunk...) and possibly the biggest flower I could find without completely obscuring my head. I am also wearing my lovely little stud's from that I got from Forever21 in Florida with have little Queen Victoria's on them, but unfortunately I lost one! So R.I.P earring.. You will be missed.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Tangerine Dream

Tonight I'm venturing to Oceana, one of my least fave places in Southampton for a cheeky drink or 8. I've decided to match my dress to my skin tone, & am wearing a orange shift dress from Primark that was long forgotten in my wardrobe! The dress has a chunky black and silver zip (but im wearing gold accessories - fashion faux paus!) that runs down almost the whole back, and my new black belt from (again) Primark that has chunky gold horses galloping across it, and causes me warble Susan Boyles horsey hit whenever I wear it. I am also going to wear a large black flower in my hair, & black velvet peep toes and hope I am not mistaken for an Oompa Loompa, even though tonight is Smurf themed.
Wish me Luck!


Pixie Not

Some celebrities rile the fuck out of me for absolutely no reason. Alexandra Burke, & Leona Lewis spring to mind, but neither one compares of my wrath for a certain essex songstress.

Pixie Lott has great songs, she hasn't had any celeb feuds unlike her mouthy contemporary Lilly Allen, and she wears designers I can only dream of affording. But for some unknown, strange reason, i CANNOT STAND HER!

Hypocritical, I know, since i sing along with Gravity and even enjoy it, but something about the girl makes me want to screaaaaaaaaaaaaam. After thinking long and hard, I have come up with a number of reasons;

1. She alwaaaaaaaaays wears black. With all those freebie designer goodies, you'd expect her to shake it up a bit, but nope, not Pixie.

2. She seems completely manufactured, unlike Dasiy Dares You or Ellie Goulding - yeah gravity is awesome, but it sounds like Jordin Sparks, not a talented 'individual' Brit popstrel.

3. She is clearly mummy-whipped, and you can tell this by the name of her first single, and the fact that HER MOTHER turned down Russell Brand for dear Pixie, even though she is neither 11 nor mute.

4. Legions of men think she is God's gift, when I have seen pics of her without make-up - not a pretty sight.

5. This offends me most - shes so bloody boring! You never see her falling out of clubs blind drunk, or even has a slight bit of celeb beef - I'm not asking for Li-Lo but c'mon, give us something to talk about! Your from Essex for god's sake!

Thursday, 18 March 2010


how cute is the new barbie at asos advert? bugsy being the barbie 4th from left.....

i haven't forgotten about you...

i know its been a while but better late than never.
had a horrendous hangover today - actually thought I might have incurred a skull injury last night in my drunken stupor!
Me & anna decided to go to a gay club & sing kareoke - did a truly hideous cover of Leann Rhimes -Can't fight the moonlight, and had an amazing time with our new gay friends and Lucinda Lashes, who compared us to girls aloud! I rocked the spanish senorita look, with a pink ruffled one shoulder dress and matching flower headband, and some golden oldies topshop shoes i have worn to death!
I had to laugh at us this morning though - anna threw up out the window of the taxi as we drove home, and i woke up half naked with cheese all over my floor, and a plate next to me with half eaten toast with heinz spag bol and doritos on top (wtf??!!!) which was not a happy hangover sight.

staying up late & watching first series of desperate housewives online (Bree Van Der Camp, i heart you) and wondering if my new chiffon blouse will go with me new straw hat?
hmmm i'll let you know tommorrow,
night ♥